Can technology replace teachers ?
Respected sir
We know that A modern classroom is defined by technology
these days .But Here question that Can technology replace teachers ? And
as a my point of view no technology is not replace teacher . we know
that now a days technology is a very useful but teacher is more helpful
.For example when we learn through Google and many other website but we
can't understand everything through these and then teachers guidance
became more helpful to understand and also helps students to find their
Technology can never come close to the knowledge and life
experience but teacher can .Here I don't say that Technology is
disturbance because of We can’t imagine now a day without technology but
teacher is equally important to learn .Now a days many teachers used
technology in classroom New educational technologies will not only
energize the students, but teachers as well.
3 So technology is very important in the future of education. But not as big a role as that of a teacher.
“Technology will never replace great teachers, But
technology in the hands of a great teacher can be
transformational.” George Corous.