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Sunday 24 December 2017

Can technology replace teacher ?

Can technology replace teachers ?

Respected sir

We  know that A modern classroom is defined by technology these days .But Here question that Can technology replace teachers ? And as a my point of view no technology is not replace teacher . we know that now a days technology is a very useful but  teacher is more helpful .For example when we learn through Google and many other website but we can't understand everything through these and then teachers guidance became more helpful to understand and also  helps students to find their strengths.

Technology can never come close to the knowledge and life experience but teacher can .Here I don't say that Technology is  disturbance because of We can’t imagine now a day without technology but teacher is equally important to learn .Now a days many teachers used technology in classroom New educational technologies will not only energize the students, but teachers as well. 

3 So technology is very important in the future of education. But not as big a role as that of a teacher.

“Technology will never replace great teachers, But technology in the hands of a great teacher can be transformational.” George Corous.

Thank you...

Thursday 9 November 2017

" The Birthday Party".

Respected Sir

Here I am sharing my view about  post viewing task " The Birthday Party".

Image result for the birthday party by harold pinter

1) Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?

Ans.   Two scenes of lulu omitted from the movie because two woman characters as contrast to man characters in the play. And Harold Pinter also shows that man character much stronger rather then women, the audience would focus on the character of a woman who was abused by men and Lulu would have been judged as victim rather than the protagonist.

2) Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text?

Ans.  Yes, movie is successful in giving us the effect of menace. I am not reading full text or play But  i see the movie so that's why I say that the movie is successful in giving us felling of menace in  the text I find that this kinds of effect in conversation between Goldberg- McCann and Stanley. And in this movie we find that many things create the atmosphere of menace like knocking of the door, toy drum, tearing the newspaper, laughing, screaming etc. In this play where each and every character passing one or unknown fear.

3) Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text

Ans.  Yes, I can feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing play. First that When they all playing the game blind man's bluff and Suddenly lights off at that time I feel lurking danger and Other side we also see in the movie that the effect of sound and the movement of camera also show us that the lurking danger.

4)What do you read in 'newspaper' in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, pieces are hidden by Petey in last scene.

Ans.   The Newspaper is  symbolize hidden the reality, also tools of communication and  the relationship between husband and wife. We can see that when movie start at that time Petey read newspaper and Meg is completely unaware about reality so it shows that husband has knowledge about world and wife has away from the reality. 

5) Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage (trap) when Stanley is playing it. What interpretations can you give to these positioning of camera? 

Ans.     When all the characters playing the game blind man's buff at that time camera focus on the head of McCan , When the turn of Stanley come at that time camera is positioned at the top with a view of room like cage and it tries to teach people that if someone tries to break the rules. 

6)"Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles." (Pinter, Art, Truth & Politics: Excerpts from the 2005 Nobel Lecture). Does this happen in the movie?

Ans.   Yes it happen in to the movie. There in the movie all character like Lulu, Meg, Petey and Stanley care for each other. 

7)How does viewing movie help in better understanding of the play ‘The Birthday Party’ with its typical characteristics (like pinteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger)?

Ans.   Movie helps us better understanding of the play
because it gives more effect to menace like painteresque, pause, silence and menace . 

8) With which of the following observations you agree:

 Ans.   I agree that “It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin. 

9)If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie?

Ans.    As par my understanding this is a very good movie and everything is okay no need to change or add in the movie I like very much this movie because of it is very different and deeper. 

10)   Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Ans.   I would like to choose characters like this:

Stanley: Irfan Khan

Meg :     Juhi Chawla

Lulu:       Kalki koechlin

Goldberg: Imran Hasmi

McCann: John Abrahim.
Thank you...

"The Reluctant Fundamentalist "

Respected sir
 Movie review:"The Reluctant Fundamentalist " By Mira Nair.
This blog is a part of my class room activity of postcolonial studies film : The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

Image result for The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid and movie directed by Mira Nair. it is a political thriller drama and film based on the 2007 novel . is focuses upon the theme of racism and an American Dream of a young man Changez Khan and his journey of becoming a reluctant fundamentalist. In this film we clearly see that relation between east and west. We find power and capitalism there. And postcolonial aspect we may say that changez has many identity.As we all know that post colonialism its all about language and Changez use their language.

                      " I am both a native of this city and a speaker of your language."

The felling of “Otherness” Changez feels in America. He becomes stranger for America because of his identity as Muslim.
We can find main things  In this movie that deep impact of racism and colonialism in mind of white people.
Thank you...

"Midnight Children".

Respected sir

Image result for "Midnight Children".

This blog is a part of my classroom activity of postcolonial studies Film screening : "Midnight Children".

"Midnight children" this  movie based on the famous novel writer and Booker prize winner Salman Rushdie .  It was published in 1981 after independence. He uses abrogation language in his novel.  This movie is directed by Deepa mehta and screen by Salman Rushdie.this film based on India  before independent and after independent colonial and postcolonial aspect.Its about the political power and superiority.The movie deals with such a historical event like partition of India, Birth of Bangladesh, and Emergency of 1975 by Indira Gandhi . This movie start with Indian city also end with same. Saleem life run out that the political ,social ,linguistic and cultural strife faced the newly independent India.And there is meta narration of Muslim its challenge by marginalization.

At the begging of the movie show the scene of Kashmir it was shows the political thing.

When Siva and Saleem both are born at that time one Christine nurse Marry was swapped both and change the fate for their purpose. So poor become rich and rich become poor. Here Marry symbolizes for superiority of Christianity over other religions.  Little magic is also reflected with Paravti's  - Abracadabra we see in this film that character of Parvati present magic realism.Through her magic and through her magic skill she changes the situation and save saleem life.
Thank you...

Wednesday 6 September 2017

To the light house

Here I am giving my interpretations 

Image result for To the Lighthouse”.

1) 1) Stream of consciousness this technique is very well used in this novel by Virginia Woolf. she very well explain that how thinking makes our relations so much complicated. Because every people think differently to another people and this kind of thoughts which makes life more complicated. And here Virginia Woolf this kind of thoughts shown on each and every character and we can be also justified with this thought that "Life is Simple, People are Complicated". 

Yes,  I agree for that the novel is tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay  because we see that she is take care of her husband and her children's so here we can say that Mrs. Ramsay is very caring mother as well as housewife also. and when guests are come in her house and she take care very well of them. And we can compare Mrs.Ramsay with Indian women And we can read Mrs. Ramsay in context of idea of ideal Indian woman 

" Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri; Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha; Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi; Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni"

Many symbols can be found in the novel “To the Lighthouse”. Lighthouse is the central symbol in the novel. And two characters are also symbolized here Mrs.Ramsay and Lily briscoe. 

5) Kunstlerroman novel means ‘novel about growth of an artist 'and we can also find two artist in this novel the lighthouse Lily's character and the novel itself is a struggle of an artist.In this novel the character of lily makes it 'Kunstlerron' novel.Beginning of the novel we see that Lily was started to her painting and the end of the novel we find 
the end of the novel we find that she complete her novel so here we find that artists growth in mind. 

7) yes, novel is a hard to understand to compare of movie and totally not faithful but major part is faithful. Novel language is so hard to understand and when we see this movie "To The Light house" but વોર્ડ are more powerful than the screen and same way in the movie is restricted the power of imagination. And one thing here is very important that movie and novel start and end very differently. 

Thank you... 


Respected Sir

Image result for "Yugpurush Mahatma na mahatma "Digdarshak

          "Yugpurush Mahatma na mahatma " it is a wonderful play. This play is about relationship between the Gandhiji and his guru Rajchandra and we can also say that good relation between them. In this play every actors were performed very well and all the characters were wearing simple costumes. Here Flashback technique used.

     Shrimadji was born on the auspicious day of Kartik purnima on 9th November, 1867 in Vavania, Gujrat .In this play we show that two life are represented one is Gandhiji and second is the Rajchandra .And this play shows the important parts of Gandhjii’s life ,that how Mohan became Mahatma. Gandhiji learned so many things from Rajchandra because he was inspired by him. 

I would like to say here one thing that this play is only praising the Rajchandra but there is also some fault because every people is not perfect same way each coin has two side

Thank you... 


Here i am sharing my view about the play---Digdarshak

Image result for DigdarshakOn 8th August at our Department of English, the Film Screening Committee organised the show of play " Digdarshak" which is written by Priyam Jani and directed by Rishit Jhaveri. Thanks to all committee member for the show. Though the central conflict in the play is about theatre vs cinema, it is richly layered to offer several universal themes.Two characters are played a vital role to cover the entire stage. The protagonist of the play, the Director, also in favor of Cinema.He dislikes talented actors joining film cinema. and the another character his son, also in favor of Cinema. we see here Art for the Art sake VS Art for the life's sake.

We can see that second theme was Art VS Family The director loves his art more than his family and he was not give more time for his family.

So in the conclude I would like to say that this play is beautifully directed by Rishit Jhaveri. And both the actors play a good role. Both the actors gives us good message.

Thank you...

Friday 30 June 2017

Movie review The great Dictator


In Modern times

                    Modern Ara represented in this movie and we can find main thing that
1) Industrialization

2 ) Poor people

Image result for The Great Dictator
                   These two thing show in this movie . He satire on  Industrialization, Capitalist society that how poor people faced a many problem who suffer a lot so this movie give comment on this .

                   He make use of the technology and machines and make a industrial idea

The Great Dictator

                     The Great Dictator is a political satire and all about war .This movies represented the situation of 1918 world war . Chaplin presents the importance of unity by describing dictators as people who make promises for political expediency.  The main point Chaplin wanted to make about this theme was that humanity must be restored because not only past decisions .Charlie chaplin looked little like Adolf Hitler , in part because Hitler had chosen the same toothbrush mustache as the little tramp .

Thank you... 

Thursday 29 June 2017

Modernist poems

Respected sir

here i present my interpretation about modernist poems

Image result for books
Characteristics of modernist literature:

1. Brokenness

2. Nothingness

3. Effect of 2 world war

1.) ‘The Embankment‘- T. E. Hulme
Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy,

In a flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.

Now see I

That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.

Oh, God, make small

The old star-eaten blanket of the sky,

That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie.

“The Embankment” poem is about the fantasia of fallen gentleman on a cold butter night.And it is also connect with the human life. The narrator of the poem calling himself a falling gentleman and it is reflects on his past and how he found pleasure in worldly social activities and beautiful women probably courtesans or probably courtesans or prostitutes. Here is a symbol like “star eaten blanket” shows in negative meaning.

2.) "Darkness" - Joseph Campbell

I stop to watch a star shine

in the boghole -

A star no longer, but a silver

ribbon of light.

I look at it and pass on.

In this poem title it self reflect the image of ' dawn fall ''Star' is a symbol of prosperity and brightness means that there was some goodness in civilization but now it's all dark . Here we can see that people were hopeless in that victprian time.

3.) 'Image' - Edward Storer

Forsaken lovers,

Burning to a chaste white moon

Upon strange Pyres of loneliness and


The 'Forsaken lovers' (people of civilization) are burning. And burning word gives various meaning, Burning with the lust, isolation, ideal thoughts .This brokenness of civilization especially after the World war. The title of poem itself reflects modernist metaphor.

4.) "In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound

The apparition of these faces in the Crowd;

Petals on a wet, black bough

In this poem poet describe Metro station and the title of the poem itself gives an image of the mechanism of life and it is a also symbol of the modernism. Here we can say that in this poem poet representing the Victorian people mind set that people who are living physically but mentally they all are dead because of their hasty life. Here black bough’ word give us meaning the culture of living dead people.

5.) 'The Pool' - Hilda Doolittle

Are you alive?

I touch you

You quiver trembling like a sea-fish

I cover you with my net

What are you- banded one?

The title ' The pool' gives us an image of stored water and also suggests lifelessness. And in the first line Poet asks are you alive?and we can find that in the Victorian time people like this and in this line Poet say that "You quiver trembling like a sea-fish" so here we can also say again thatModern people are like that fish who lives restless life.

6.) "Insouciance" – Richard Aldington

In and out of the dreary trenches

Trudging cheerily under the stars

I make for myself little poems

Delicate as a flock of doves

They fly away like white-winged doves

This poem has many contrasting images. 'Dreary trenches' is used as a metaphor for the ups and downs of life. The words like 'Trudging' and 'cheerily' gives contrasting meaning. And this poem is looks like a war poem about soldiers who does not worry about death here death is a symbol


7).Morning at the Window - T. S. Eliot

They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,

And along the trampled edges of the street

I am aware of the damp souls of housemaid

Sprouting despondently at area gates.

The brown waves of fog toss up to me

Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,

And tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts

An aimless smile that hovers in the air

And vanishes along the level of the roofs.

This poem is about everyday life. The poem has a imagery of morning that how people stats their day that plats are ratting in kitchen.

This poem gives symbol of the dead spirit in people.

8.) The Red Wheelbarrow -William Carlos Williams

so much depends


a red wheel


glazed with rain


beside the white


In this poem three images are given: ‘The wheel barrow’, ‘Glazed with rain water’ and ‘White chickens’.Here poet symbolize the ‘red’ color for the wheelbarrow.

9.) Anecdote of the Jar- Wallace Stevens

I placed a jar in Tennessee,

And round it was, upon a hill.

It made the slovenly wilderness

Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it,

And sprawled around, no longer wild.

The jar was round upon the ground

And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion everywhere.

The jar was gray and bare.

It did not give of bird or bush,

Like nothing else in Tennessee.

This poem is about jar which was in the state “Tennessee” in United States of America. ‘jar’ means that war. And 'Anecdote’ means a small story Here in this poem metaphor is jar.

10.) ‘l (a‘- E. E. Cummings










This poem is mordenism way of writing “ The word ‘fall’ suggest fall of civilization and A falling leaf is symbol of loneliness.

Thank you...

Monday 20 March 2017

Derrida and deconstruction

Hello freiends 

   Here i am sharing my blog about deconstruction and post structuralism .

Image result for Derrida and deconstruction

What is Deconstruction ?

Deconstruction applied in the criticism of literature , designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and climes to " subvet " or "undermine " the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries , the cohrrence or unity , and the determinate meaning of a literary text. 

According to Derrida, the term Deconstruction is very hard to define as it has no exact meaning at all. Deconstruction, as applied in the criticism of literature, designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or "undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text. Typically, a deconstruction reading sets out to show that conflicting forces within the text itself serve to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meanings into an indefinite array of incompatible and undecidable possibilities.

For example in the Purpose which is written by T P Kailasam who was took  this story from Mahabharata . In Mahabharata we can see that Eklavya charecter is a marginlised  and he has no power and we can see that how to Kailasm change in the Purpose this charecter  and he trys to shows that Eklavya was a very powerfull not subaltern but In this Mahabharata this charecter is subaltern .so we can say that there is decontrct this idea because of post structuralist critic views that is no 'a texual origin ' . 

Thank you ...

Saturday 4 March 2017


Hello friends

             Here i am sharing my blog and this is part of my academic activity which is given on this blog .

              "A method of analysis that is related to cultural anthropology and that is related to culturing patterns of thought and behavior"

             As a structuralist way i would like two movie
                   1)Bajirao Mastani
                   2)Ek villain

                                      Image result for Bajirao mastani

            Bajirao Mastani is a 2015 Indian epic historical romance film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali ,and his three major film star Ravener singh as Bajorao and Depika Padukone as Mastani ,with Priyanka chopra playing Bajirav's first wife Kashibai .It is based on Marathi navel . We can see that in is movie two conflict between cast and Bajirao and Mastani fall in love but his family can't accept his love .

                                       Image result for ek villain
                   Ek Villain is a Indian romantic thriller directed by Mohit Suri this movie start with Aisha  (Shraddha kapoor )  calling her husband as a leaving a massage for him .We can see that two thing in this movie Revenge and love but writer shows that different way type this love  .

  Structure of both movie ;

 both movie have a same structure is love but some different like that Bajirao Mastani in this movie we can see that and find structure that love and fight .and in this movie Ek Villain we can see that  this  movies structure  love and revenge .

Saturday 21 January 2017

Song based understanding of lyrics

Song - kaun tujhe
Singer - Palak Muchhal
Film - M S Dhoni
Mood / Type - Love song

Tu aata hai seene mein jab jab saansein bharti hoon
teri dil ki galiyon se mein har roz guzarati hoon
hawa ke jaise chalta hai tu main ret jaise udti hoon
kaun tujhe yun pyaar karenga jaise main karti hoon

meri nazar ka safar tuj pe hi aake ruke
kehne ko baaki hai kya kehna tha jo keh chuki
meri nigahein hain teri nigahon ki tujhe khabar kya bekhbar
main tujse hi chup chup kar teri aankhein padhti hoon
kaun tuje yun pyaar karenga jaise main karti hoon

tu jo muje aa mila sapane huwe sarphire
haathon mein aate nahi udte hain lamhe mere
meri hasi tujse meri khushi tujse tuje khabar kya beqadar
jis din tujko na dekhu pagal pagal firti hoon
kaun tuje yun pyaar karenga jese main karti hoon

Hello friends
   I would like to share analysis of a bollywood film song Kaun tuje from the movie M S Dhoni .
   In this song beloved express her feeling for her lover and in this song metaphor used like that Wind , Sand .

                    Tu aata hai seene mein jab jab sasein bharti hoon
                    Teri dil ki galiyon se mein har roz guzarti hoon   

  In this lines she said that " you come in my heart whenever i inhale " but how is it possible because of no one people came in our heart whenever we inhale . It is a full of imagination and also say that i pass through the lanes of your heart every day . It is also impossible that our heart live in our body and it has not road so really it is not possibal just Imagen . 

                     Hawa ke jaise chalta hai tu mein ret jaisi udti hoon

  In this line she says that  "you move like the wind and i fly like sand " but no one people can not walk like a wind and it is totally imagination and here sand and wind two metaphor used .

                     Meri nazar ka safar tuj pe hi aake ruke
                     kehne ko baaki hai kya kehna tha jo keh chuki

  In this line she says that" the journey of my eyes stops on reaching you " . It is also impossible because of no one people journey can not stop on reaching of any people .

                  Main tujse hi chup chup kar teri aankhein padhti hoon

  In this line she said that" i read your eyes scecretly "but words not write in our eyes so she can not read and what is a meaning of that

               Tu jo muje ya mila sapne huwe sarphire
               Hathon mein aate nahi udte hain lamhe mere

here question that what is a meaning of sarfire she says that " i have met you , my dreams have gone crazy , doesn't come in my hands my moments fly " but dream can not catch and every moments can not fly so it is not possible .

            Jis din tujko na dekhu pagal pagal firti hoon
            kaun tuje yoon pyar karenga jese main karti hoon

   In this line she say that " the day when i do not see you , i walk around like a mad " but how is it possibal and also say that " kaun tuje yoon pyaar karenga jese me karti hoon "  this line also imagination because of it is not possibal .


- How is it possibal that any people come in our heart whenever we inhale .

- Anyone not move like the wind

- Anyone not fly like sand

- Dream can not catch

- Moment can not fly