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Tuesday 30 January 2018

"The White Tiger"

            The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga 

Hello reader,

This blog is a part of my classroom activity on The white Tiger by Aravind Adiga. 

              Image result for white tiger book

(1) How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

In this novel Balram Halwai tells story of real India and also protagonist of this novel . Adiga criticize India through the perspective of Balram Halwai . India represented as it is here and we can find that Adiga portrays various realistic and graphic picture . They describe about poverty of India and this kind of thing we can find in Balram's character who is live in Laxmangarh ,it is poor area . And Adiga criticize many aspects of Indian Society like  politics and education where teachers are not working properly and corruption in school by teacher.

(2) Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?

Archetypes means a very typical example of a certain person or thing.And  yes I agree that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of rags to riches and we can see in some point  like Balram was an ordinary driver and from that position he has became an entrepreneur. But every people are not strong like Balram and not doing like Balram .So not every people becomes 'rags to riches' .

(3) "Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of The White Tiger? How? 
 Yes, this text can be deconstructed and we can see that with the help of some words like author himself uses this word like, “This book is Auto-Biography of half-baked Indians”.So how can we rely on the narrator who himself calld half baked. So it deconstructs the entire narrative .

(4) Is it possible to read The White Tiger in context of Globalization? 

Yes, it is possible to read "The White Tiger" in the context of Globalization.we see some form of America seems to pop up in a key moment. for example when Balram is describing Ashok’s corruption on page 173,

        “you’ve got plenty of places to drinkbeer,
         dance, pick up girls, that sort of thing.
              A small bit of America in India.”

So here see effect of globalization clearly . “ An Insight into the Facets of a Globalized India” this article written by Rano Ringo and he talked very well that how globalized affects well in various fields like education and corruption .

Thank you...

Monday 15 January 2018

One night @ the call center

This blog is my part of classroom activity on One night @ call center by Chetan Bhagat.

 Image result for one night at call center


Anti- American sentiments are very strong in this novel and  America is quite represented here . In this novel Chetan Bhagat criticized that  American dream is just like myth. they are not happiest people and we can see this kind of thing with character of Vroom who is  criticizes American policy. There are some textual dialogue which make this book anti American: 

Vroom: “Our government doesn’t realize this, but Americans are using us. We are sacrificing an entire generation to service their call centers”

God: “Americans may have many things, but they are not the happiest people on earth by any stretch. Any country obsessed with war can’t be happy”. 

Vroom: “Meanwhile bad bosses and stupid Americans suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation”

Social realism

We know  that Chetan Bhagat is a popular writer of contemporary. And write about problem of youth not only talks about youth but within his the novel social realism also. In this novel  One Night @ the call center we can find that Each character has individual potential . For example Bakshi represents corruption in corporate world. Radhika is also not happy with her marriage life because of her husband and  mother in law . Vroom is talented young man but he was not happy with her marriage life because of her husband and  mother in law . Vroom is talented young man but he was not happy with his job and also criticized the idea of call centers .


This Novel is based on the theme of globalization. Vroom and Shyam designs webs and Military uncle is connected with his son and grandson .


This novel can be categorized as cyberpunk because of we can find some technological elements in This novel like mail, F.M., Bug, etc. In this novel we see that Vroom hacks Bakshi's email and writes email to Esah on his behalf and blackmail Bakshi and exhorted money from him to start new company with Shyam. So we can say that one  night @ the call center is a cyberpunk novel.

Thank you...

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Edcation Technology and ELT

Respected Sir


Image result for Education Technology and ELT


Video 1. Changing Education paradigms – Sir Ken Robinson


 In this video, Robinson talks about the changing education paradigm. every country on earth at the moment is reforming Public Education there were  two major reasons for it 

1) Economy: For that people has trying to work out how do we educate our children to take their place in the economics of the 21st century.

2)Culture: Every culture try to figure out how do we educate our children. In education there are two types of people ,


           1) Academic and
           2) Non-academic


          Here also je gave various ideas like Divergent Thinking and Collaborative learning . 


Video 2..Build a school in the cloud by – Sugata Mitra


In this video talk about future of learning that how we learn in school and how student learn know. The schools would produce the people must be identical to each other they must know three things,


1)    They must have good handwriting, because that time is handwriting and all data in handwritten document.

2)    They must be able to read

3)    They must be able to doing multiplication, division, addition and subtraction in their head. And also he said that for his experience that he put computer in the slum aria and he found that slum children are learn faster than any children.


Video 3. The future of learning by – Sugata Mitra


   In this video Sugata Mitra talks about future education and also talks on traditional education system and modern education system. In traditional education system good handwriting and write down carefully is most important here he was criticizing the old way of teaching not say that it is a good .


Video 4..Reinvent education – Salman Khan:


In this video Salman Khan talks about how and why he created the remarkable Khan academy, a carefully structured series of education .He argues for a change in the teaching paradigm .He shows the power of interactive experience and calls for teacher to  consider  flipping the tradition classroom script and  give students video lecture to watch at home, and do “homework’ in the classroom with the teacher available to help.


Video 5..Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by – Marc Prensky


  In this video Marc prensky talked about Digital native and Digital Immigrants and he  talked on  gap between digital native and immigrants in education . today's generation is surrounded by using computers, video games , cell phons these all tools of the digital age but They believe that their students can’t learn from watching TV and playing video games which suggests the traditional mindset of digital immigrant while digital natives have laptops rather than books in their libraries .


Video 6... The Biggest challenges for Teachers - Davied Crystal


In this Video David Crystal talk about the effect of new technology on English language .Think about past technology, in 15th century suddenly we have new veraity of any language .  We have news paper, so look at the style of the news paper  its had-line, cartoon, caption, additional these all the   things are important in the news paper.In 19thcentury development of the telephone became most important .and In 20th, century, in 1920 broadcasting come and then in 1990 internet took place in the global world .


Video 7....David Crystal: The Biggest Challange for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet


In this video David Crystal talks about the biggest challenge for teacher. In this time so fast in language changes to two reason. One internet that in their blog facebook many of people learn language, and second is globalization .
People choose American and British English and people who are choose for own way of like African, Indian, south English studies. There are most difficult two jobs in the world that are,


1)   Transpiring and interpreting

2)   Language teaching


Video 8....David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language


In this video he gave his theory of  “ Texting is good for the English language. and also gave importance of text massages.

Mobile phone is come in 19th ,texting first start in 19thso before this was 10 year ago not in discussion so it is question that how the research built up ? For that one is reason that how you got the data .


Thank you ...