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Thursday 29 March 2018

Literature review



                    What is Literature?
                   How Literature shaped me ?

I am going to complete my five year journey so ,now it is necessary for me to look back and observe changes in me due to literature .

Let me tell you something about my personal life that what kind of changes came in my life after studying literature  When i was studying in B A (Bachelor of Arts )in English Literature at that time i really didn't know that what is literature and also meaning of Literature . I was believed that i am studying B A because of to learn language of English not literature . Throughout these three year (B.A) i have passed only one definition that ...

      " Literature is mirror of society "

But i really didn't know that what is mirror and how literature reflect social things .

When i came in department at that time i have given written test  about what is a Literature ? as a part of admission process and in this i have also written one definition that literature is mirror of society .

Now According to me ...

"Literature is mixture of various things like emotion fear ,love ,sorrow ,human behavior and positive and negative side of society."

"Literature is a one of the part of imagination "

" literature is an out of window " where we see many new and hidden things . Because of when I was  in B.A at that time i was studying poems , short stories, novel e.t.c but at that time i was remember only summery not think deeply but after came in M.A I learn so many things  and also knew that only summery is  not important but concept is important that what author or poet try to say throughout of novel,poem etc . So Literature totally change me earlier now I can think critically and also apply many theory and
for that i would like to thank my teacher Dr Dilip Barad sir to making me taste the real essence of literature .Image result for various books gif reading girl

Through these five year I learn so many novels, short stories , poems ,criticism ,theory etc and after studying i have become totally change and also become open minded towards everything for example I thought that  girl are not do everything to compare boys girls should  not live with boys but now i think differently that  girls can do everything such like boy . In a childhood we find some difference between girl and boy for example our parents told us that boys play with toys like car but girl play with doll but why girl are not play with car ? here this kind of question arise in my mind . Girls toys are very soft  so we can say that  in childhood girls feels emotional  and that is why we grow this way.

 I also found many negative aspect of our India's culture so with the help of cultural studies we can say tat literature is not show only goody goody things but also show negative aspect of our society .

So we can say that Literature is for pleasure and also it is helps to our thinking ability.


Thursday 15 March 2018

The Nightingale and The Rose by Oscar Wilde

          The Nightingale and The Rose

In The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde we have theme of love, sacrifice, selflessness, pity, materialism and gratitude. Taken from his The Complete Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and from the beginning of the story the reader realises that the young boy is very much in love with the young girl. If anything his actions demonstrate that he is love-struck. His every thought is of the girl and being able to dance with her at the ball. So strong are the boy’s desires for the girl he is preoccupied with her as though his life is not worth living unless he manages to dance and spend time with the girl. The Nightingale’s actions throughout the story are also important as she flies from one rose tree to another trying to find a red rose before sacrificing her life at the one tree that can give her a red rose. Even though the Nightingale knows that the thorn pressing against her breast may kill her she still perseveres. Thinking only of the boy’s happiness and overcoming the pain of the thorn piercing her breast. If anything the Nightingale is acting selflessly. Her number one priority is the young boy’s happiness. The Nightingale can also see how very much in love the boy is with the girl and this acts as a trigger for the Nightingale to find a red rose. Even if it is to cost the Nightingale her life.

It is also interesting that none of the other animals in the garden help or warn the Nightingale. It is possible by doing so Wilde is suggesting that love is not understood by all. It is clear to the reader that the Nightingale knows what love is however the same cannot be said for the other animals in the garden. Why this might be is difficult to say for certain. It is possible that the other animals may have experienced love at one stage in their lives but things did not work out for them. It is also possible that the other animals no longer see the joy that can come from love and rather than viewing it as something that can bring good to people they may have a certain amount of animosity towards love. Regardless of this the Nightingale shows great determination in her efforts to find a red rose. Even though as readers we are aware that the Nightingale is sacrificing her life for the boy and his pursuit of love.

A rose is also a thing of natural beauty unlike the jewels that Chamberlain has sent to the girl. The rose has a story behind it that is more compelling than any story that might come from the jewels. The young girl appears to be swayed by materialism and it is on this decision alone she decides to go to the dance with Chamberlain. Despite having previously promised to go to the dance with the young boy. It is possible that Wilde is pitting the rose against the jewels and suggesting that the young are swayed by material things. Things that are given to impress a person but which have no roots in love. Unlike the rose. The introduction of the jewels also serves to highlight the fickle nature of love. It is clear that girl is swayed by shinning jewels rather than the normality or simplicity of a rose.

However there is nothing normal about the Nightingale’s rose. She has taken pity on the boy and sacrificed her life for him. Though at the end of the story her death may have been in vain due to the boy discarding the rose in the gutter. Something he may not have done if he knew the real beauty of the rose. If he was aware of the sacrifices others have made for him he may have been more careful. The rose acted as a path to any girl that the boy would have liked to bring to the dance however he cannot see this. He has fixated on the one girl who does not deserve his affections. It is also noticeable that the boy gives up on love after being defeated by Chamberlain. This is not something that the Nightingale has done. She allowed the thorn push further and further into her breast till the thorn on the rose killed her. Throughout the story there is a sense that it is only the Nightingale who has understood the true meaning of love. For the boy he was no more than lovelorn and preoccupied with the one girl and when rejected decides that love is not something that a person should spend their time on. In reality the only one who has understood love in the story is the Nightingale and she may very well have made a sacrifice for a boy who is unready to understand the complexities of love. Devoting his entire energies into the one girl who doesn’t appreciate him and then giving up on love completely. It may very well be that the boy is not grateful for the sacrifices made by the Nightingale.


       Othello by William Shakespeare

Cover Image

 Othello is the most domestic Shakespear's tragedy . It's focus is not on the fall of the king, the collaps of the nation , the agony of the prince or the contradiction between love and beauty it is about end of the marraige and husband's nature . It is more concerned with sexsual jealousy .

Othello is the protogonist of the novel and who is in love with the femele character of Desdemona .

'Othello' start with two characters they are Rodrigo and Iago . Rodrigo is madly in love with Desdemiona but it is one side love because of Desdemona don't love to him . Iago promised Rodrigo to get Desdemona to him but nothing happens like that . Here Desdemona and othelo both fall in love and run away

Othello is totally unaware that the treacherous Iago was behind all the charges and orders Iago to accompany his wife to Cypress. Roderigo egged on by Iago, also accompanies them convinced that Desdemona will tire of her lover. Not content with slandering him, Iago also persuades Roderigo that Cassio must be discredited to prevent any possibility of Desdemonia turning to Cassio.

In Cyprus, Iago gets Cassio drunk, then has Roderigo start an argument with him. Montano, the outgoing governor of Cyprus, intervenes, and Cassio wounds him. Othello arrives on the scene and Iago convinces him that Cassio is to blame and he disowns Cassio. Iago then persuades Cassio that he can get back into Othello's favour if he gets Desdemona to intercede on his behalf.

Desdemona pleads on behalf of Cassio making her lover suspicious and extremely jealous. A handkerchief belonging to Desdemona comes into Iago's possession via his wife Emilia, which he plants in Cassio's room. Iago tells him and when Desdemona is unable to produce the handkerchief her lover is convinced that she and the younger and more handsome Cassio are having an affair. He is consumed with anger and jealousy and confides in Iago that he plans to poison Desdemona - Iago suggests that he strangle her instead in the bed that she 'contaminated' with Cassio.
Letters are the received from the Duke of Venice recalling Othelo and naming Cassio the new governor. Iago persuades Roderigo to kill Cassio for him, but he fails only managing to wound him. Cassio strikes back and wounds Roderigo. Iago rushes past unseen and wounds Cassio in the leg. Othelo arrives at this point and watches from a distance and believes that Iago, his good and honest friend, has killed Cassio. Iago finally kills Rodrigo.

Othello returns to the castle to kill his wife. Othelo, who still loves his wife, kisses her awake and after more accusations and denials from Desdemona he finally smothers her to death

Emilia tells Othelo the truth about the scheming Iago and the wounded Cassio corroborates her story. Othello wounds Iago, then kills himself. Iago kills Emilia. After Iago is led away, in chains, Cassio becomes governor of Cyprus. 

Thank you...

Language lab software.

Hello readers,

This blog is a part of my classroom activity on Language lab software.

Image result for  Language laboratory with student listen What is a language lab ?

Modern language labs are known by many names, digital language lab, multimedia language lab, language media center and multimedia learning center to name but a few. View the video and read the text below to learn more.

Definition of language laboratory

  A room with equipment (such as computers or tape recorders) where people can listen to and practice speaking foreign languages .

Question Answer

1 ) Discuss in brief the history of Language Laboratory

The history of language laboratories it was Edison's invention of the tin foil phonograph in 1877 that made the first language laboratories possible. It was used for a foreign language class for the first time in 1891. At first, records were mainly used to preserve rare languages, but in the late 1800s and early 1900s, correspondence courses were developed using records. Students listened to records, recorded their own voices speaking the languages, and sent their recordings back to the company for evaluation. The procedures used by these early correspondence schools established methods that were later used in language laboratories. Between 1900 and 1950, equipment became more sophisticated, with the invention and development of tape recorders and television, and schools began establishing language laboratories. Language laboratories were given impetus by funds provided when the National Defense Education Act was passed in 1958. Various language laboratory programs and studies done on their effectiveness are described. Contains 23 references.

2 ) Advantages and challenges in the use of Language laboratory

Acoustics               Error                                        Privacy              Analysis                        ...Anonymous                     Learning        Lack of        Trained       Teachers                  Challenges     Uninte...

As a my point of view many advantages of Language laboratory

1. It is more practical

2. Four skill LSRW are develop

3. We improve our Grammar

4. It helps to improve our grammatical error

5. Language lab allow for diversity in the classroom

6) Lab foster communication in the classroom

3  )  Write an essay on ‘the past, present and future of Language Laboratories’.
   LANGUAGE LABORATORIES: PAST A. Media : In 1950 ,Language laboratories were established to provide language training with advanced technology for language learners.Later in 1920s, more advanced equipmentsuch as tape recorders, movies, and television were developed for foreign language instruction in language laboratories. 
Since 1950s, language laboratories have well been developed. The old style language labs that a teacher arranged the listening practice allowed with a hard wired analogue tape deck based systems with 'sound booths' in fixed locations are outdated .


 While Learning will undoubtedly be with EFL management, it is very difficult to say what the labs in the future EFL classes will be like . In fact the question is whether language laboratories will exist. Observing the trend, media in EFL learning can be supported and delivered with digital technology rather than from physical language labs.
4) Write summary of the research on the effectiveness of language laboratory.
Education is very important for an individual's success in life. Education provides pupils teaching skills that prepare them physically, mentally,morally and socially for the world of work in later life. Education is the best investment for the people because well educated people have more opportunities to get a job which gives them satisfaction. English is the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers. It is a world language, because less than fifteen percent of the world population uses it. English is the major language of news and information in the world. The language laboratory is a very popular technical innovation. The word ‘Language laboratory’s first used in 1930 in a research article by RALPH H.WALTZ of Ohio state university, America. The use of language laboratory gained ground rapidly in the United Kingdom in 1960. Langu age laboratory affords opportunity for the students to hear the language spoken and to practice speaking the language. themselves with correct in intonation, pronunciation, accent and fluency. The Language Laboratory sessions also include word games, quiz zes, extemporary speaking, debates, skits etc.

NEED FOR THE STUDYAccording to Robert Lado, the language laboratory is “The center of Language teaching and the teacher helps its operational activities by providing suitable materials and learning situations We are living in modern world. Language laboratory has the capacity to transmit a complete lesson of rose or poetry. At present language laboratory has been increased and their impact on Educational field, it is a two way teaching learning process which minimizes pupil’s mistakes. It also strengthens the learning of English among students so the investigator is interested to find out the Effectiveness of using Language Laboratory in English among students.

Thank you...

Online discussion

"Stop telling Sharmeens and Adigas to Photoshop reality".


 This article is taken from the Times of  India.

Click here to show this Article  

Here we find interesting topic on the 'Practice of honor killing'. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Academy Award for her documentary, A Girl in the River, has been much celebrated at home. Sharmeen's first Oscar award winning documentary film, A Girl in the River .This documentary is also based on the honor of Killing in the country of Pakistan.

I am agree that it is not bad to show bad part of our country 

When any people shows negative aspect of their country it is not bad but they trys to say that we cannot find only goody goody things in our country but some parts are not good but people wants to show only good things for their county and it is not right because when we does not see bad part so how we can change in those thing and they did not think about actual image of India .

For example When someone from another country and spoke about their problems at that time we say that it is right and all other things but when same thing done by our own country's person then we say that it is not good .

Thank you...

Friday 9 March 2018

Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llosa.

Hello readers,

              This blog is a part of our thinking activity on Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llosa.
Image result for Mario Vargas Llosa.

Mario Vargos Llosa is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, essayist and college professor.  In 2010 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat" 

He expounds on his theories of freedom and the individual and talks about his new book, La llamada de la tribu, or, The Call of the Tribe, which argues in favor of liberal thought in reference to seven influential authors: Adam Smith, José Ortega y Gasset, Friedrich von Hayek, Karl Popper, Raymond Aron, Isaiah Berlin and Jean-François Revel.

Mario Vargas Llosa opinions on the issues related to 'liberals', 'nationalism', 'populism', 'greatest challenge to Democracy', 'intellectual honesty', 'literature and morality', political correctness and freedom', and 'technology' 

Libralism: :Liberalism is the ideology of governmental. political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

Nationalism: is a system created by people who believe their nation is superior to all others. It's most often based on a shared ethnicity. It can also be based on a shared language, religion, culture, or set of social values. The nation emphasizes shared symbols, folklore, and mythology. Shared music, literature, and sports further strengthen nationalism.

Intellectual honesty : Intellectual honesty is an applied method of problem solving, characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude .Intellectual honesty is honesty in the acquisition, analysis, and transmission of ideas. A person is being intellectually honest when he or she, knowing the truth,

Thank you...

Thursday 8 March 2018

The Sense of an Ending: Julian Barnes

Hello reader

This blog is my classroom activity on The Sense of an Ending

To show Worksheet of given task click here

  “The Sense of Ending” is written by Julian Patrick Barnes in      2011. It is a psychological thriller and a memory novel.

Image result for sense of an ending 

1 ) What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?

Sarah give 500 pounds to Tony but in the reply of email veronica use one phrase Blood Money . Veronica told that it is blood money .The phrase 'Blood Money' can have meanings like, Adrian relationship with veronica's mother Sarah and that is why Sarah give birth to child and that is why Adrian committed suicide . Their relationship damages young Adrian's life so it can be called Blood Money and Tony is cause of all damages so Veronica told that it is blood money .

2 ) How do you decipher the equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

The equation Means b =baby (young Adrian),

s = Sarah,

V= Veronica,

A1= Adrian

A2 =Antony (Tony Webster)

Here Tony meet Adrian but it is not Adrian but Adrian and Sarah 's child

3 ) Adrian’s diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the possession of Veronica?
Tony wrote one letter to Adrian and in this letter many kinds of mistake about Veronica and Adrian's relationship Tony believe that they both are in love but is it not so .Then Sarah had a diary of Adrian because of they were together in last few days before Adrian committed suicide and Adrian wrote his diary for Tony. This diary he gave to Sarah.So here we say that Adrian wrote this Diary for Tony 's all question But that diary is with Veronica because of may be she does not wanted to hand over it to Tony .

4 ) Was the mentally retarded middle aged ‘Adrian’, Tony’s friend who did not commit suicide and was suffering from trauma and thus gone mad, and was living with hidden identity?

No this statement is not true . He was suffering from trauma because he felt guilty because of his girlfriend’s mother is pregnant and that is why this he committed suicide . He had also saw this one example of his own friend who also committed suicide because in his school life he made his girlfriend pregnant. So Adrian feels guilty, and then he commits suicide.

 5 ) How was Veronica related to Adrian, the one suffering in care-in-the-community?

Veronica and young Adrian is relation of brother and sister because of Veronica's mother and Adrian both are in affair and that is why Sarah give birth to child . So generally we can see that relation between Veronica and young Adrian is relation of brother and sister. so in that connection she is a sister of Adrian who suffering in care in the community.  

6 ) Do you see any missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?

Yes , There are many missing blocks are in the novel.

  How Veronica and Adrian met?

 What were the reasons for ending relationship between Adrian and Veronica?

 Why Sara hates and jealous with her own daughter Veronica?

 Why Sara warned Tony about his relationship with Veronica?

 Why Adrian has committed suicide if he was happy in his last days?

    7 ) Do you see any possible reason in the suicide of Adrian Finn?

There are two reasons behind the Adrian's suicide of . First, he is suicide because of the suffering from trauma. Second is he affair with her girlfriend mother and he had burden of There baby and that is why he had also fear from society so that is why he committed suicide .

    8 ) In the light of new revelations, how do you read character of Veronica? Instinctive, manipulative, calculating, stubborn, haughty, sacrificial, trustworthy, good Samaritan?

    Yes she is having all these qualities like  Smart, Intelligent, trustworthy ,Calculative .
    9 ) What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator?

  Unreliable narrator is the one whose narration cannot be taken as reliable or whose narration is not faithful to reality.
   Tony can also be called an unreliable narrator because as from Beginning till the End he can’t remember things exactly, and also he starts his narration by saying that “I remember, in no particular order”.  He himself telling all things and deconstruction his own narrated for example   whatever he narrated in part one, is deconstruction and challenged in second part. So, he is unreliable.
    Thank you...