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Friday 2 March 2018

Witing for Godot

Here I am giving my interpretations about points of waiting for Godot

Image result for waiting for Godot

1) · What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A tree.Evening.”) of the play and these paintings?

Ans. The setting of the play " A country road, A tree, Evening" and this painting both are the Similar. Because we can find many similarity like that In painting also we can see trees and two persons . So we can see these many similarities in both.The title of the painting is 'Longing' but Beckett uses 'Waiting' here.

2) The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act II on the barren tree -The tree has four or five leaves - ?

Ans. Tree is the important symbol in both the acts. In the first act tree is barren, so it suggests of world war and In the second act we find some leaves I think four and five leaves on the tree, it suggests hope.

3) · In both Acts, evening falls into night and moon rises. How would you like to interpret this ‘coming of night and moon’ when actually they are waiting for Godot?

Ans. Night signifies ‘end’. 'coming of night and moon rises' it is showing time passing very speedily but their hope doesn't die . and second thing we write that nature never wait for anything it's goes on and on but in this play they both are waiting for Godot but in this play no any changes happening.

4) · The director feels the setting with some debris. Can you read any meaning in the contours of debris in the setting of the play?

Ans. Debris means destroyed or broken into pieces. it is connect with second world war.

5) · The play begins with the dialogue “Nothing to be done”. How does the theme of ‘nothingness’ recurs in the play?

Ans. The play begins with the dialogue "Nothing to be done".and also Estragon speaks that “Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, and it’s awful!”. Nothingness is main theme of this play and we can see that in this play these all characters they are doing insignificant activities meaninglessly.

6) · Do you agree: “The play (Waiting for Godot), we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with my blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: 'No matter what— atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything—life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life." (E.G. Marshal who played Vladimir in original Broadway production 1950s)?

Ans. Yes, I agree that this play is positive. We can understand the reality of our life that we doesn't get everything but Somehow same way in this play they both are not meet to Godot but they enjoy his life so we can say that In this play just represent the hope.

7) · How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

Ans. Hat and Boots are represented symbolically in the play. Hat represents the intellectual thinking and Boots represent thinking without logic and we can also compare with two characters that Vladimir plays with hat and think intellectually and logically . and Estragon plays with boot, so he Is careless.

8) · Which of the following sequence you liked the most..

Ans. I like the conversation of Vladimir with the boy.

Thank you...

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