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Monday 5 March 2018

Guliver's Travel

 Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

 “ Gulliver's Travels ” is written by very famous , excellent Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift. He has give up to in this novel of part – 4 in different way of the sea journey to Gulliver .

 Gulliver's Travels four voyages are ...

1 The first voyage is to Lilliput

2 The second voyage is to Brobdingnag

3 The third voyage is to Laputa

4 His forth voyage is to land of Houyhnhnm's

The first voyage is to Lilliput :

is to Lilliput , where is huge and the Lilliputians are small . But the reader soon sees them for the ridiculous and petty creatures they are Gulliver is convicted of treason for “ making water ” in the capital ( even though he was putting out a first and saving countless lives ) among other “ crimes ” .

During his first voyage ' Gulliver is washed ashore after a ship work and finds himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people , less than inches tall , who are inhabitants of the island country of Lilliput . After giving a residence in Lilliput and becomes a favorite of the Lilliput court . He is also given permission to go around the city on condition that he must not harm their subjects . Gulliver assists the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbors , the Bermudians , by stealing their fleet . However , he refuses t reduce the island nation of blefuseu to a province of Lilliput , displeasing the king and the court . Gulliver is charged with treason for , among other crimes , “ making Water ” in the capital tough he was putting out a Fire and saving countless lives.He is convicted and sentenced to be blinded , but with the assistance of a kind friend , he es apes to bnefuscu . Here he spot and retrieves an abandoned boat and sails out to be rescued by a passing ship , which safely takes him back home . And it is a very beautiful novel because of new idea and we can see that realty and history in this Novel '' Gulliver's Travel '' at that time means that Gulliver's awakens , he is lying on his back he finds him self unable to sit up or move at all . His ''arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground ; and his hair , which was long and trick , tired down in the same manner '' He feels something moving along his body almost up to his chin , at which point he sees that it '' a human creature not six lunches high , with a bow and arrow in his hands , and a Gulliver at his bake '' Gulliver will later learn that these creatures are called Lilliputians . Startled by this sight , Gulliver roars out and soon manages to free his left arm . The frightened Lilliputians fire dozens of tiny arrows into his land , face , and body until he lies calmly . The Lilliputians then build a stage to Gulliver's side that is about a foot and a half tall upon which a “ person of quality ” stand and makes a ten – minute speech to Gulliver in a language he can not understand .

And it is a reality that Gulliver enjoys in this voyage and power that comes with being a giant . Even as a prisoner in Lilliput , Gulliver feel like that the most powerful being on the island . And emperor is ruler of Lilliput like all Lilliputians this is character in Lilliput .

The second voyage is Brobdingnag :

                      Brobdingnag a land of Giants where Gulliver seems as small as the Lilliputians were to him . Gulliver is afraid , but keepers are surprisingly gentle . He is humiliated by the king when he is made to see the difference between how England is and how it ought to be . Gulliver realizes how revolting he must have seemed to the Lilliputians .

                  “ Brobdingnag ” this voyage devided into eight chapter and we can see that Gaint in this voyage . Farmer was Gulliver's first master in Brobdingnag and Glumdalclitch was farmer 's nine year old daughter and other charter is queen of Brobdingnag who is so delighted by Gulliver's beauty and chams that she agrees to buy him from the farmer for 1,000 pieces of gold and another king of the Brobdingnag who , in contrast to the emperor of Lilliput , seems to be a true intellectual , well versed in political science among other disciplines .

Chapter – 1 , “ A great storm described , the long boat sent to fetch water , the author goes with it to discover the country . He is left on shoat , is seized by one of the natives . And carry'd to a farmer's house . His reception there , with several accidents that happened there . A description of the inhabitants . ”

Chapter – 2 , say about “A description of the farmer ' s daughter . A author carried to a market – town and then to the metropolis the particulars of his journey ”

Chapter – 3 “ The author sent for to court . The queen buys him of his master the Farmer and presents him to the king . He disputes with his majesty 's grate scholars . An apartment at court provided for the author . He is in high favor with the queen . He stands up for the hounr of his own country his quarrels with queen's dwarf . ”

 Chapter– 4 , “ The country described . A proposal for correcting modern mans . The king 's palace and some account of the metropolis . The author 's way of traveling . The chief temple described . ”

Chapter– 5 , “ several adventure that happened to the author . The execution of a criminal . The author shews his skill in navigation . ”

Chapter – 6 , “several contrivances of the author to please the king and queen . He shews his skill in music . The king enquirers into the state of Europe . Which the author relates to him . The king 's observations thereon ”

Chapter – 7 , “ The anther's love of his country . He makes a proposal of much advantage to the king . Which is rejected the king's great ignorance in politics . The learning of that country very imperfect and confined . Their laws , and military affairs , and parties in the state ”

Chapter – 8 , “ The king and queen make a progress to the frontiers . The author attends them . The manner in which he leaves the country very particularly related . He returns to England . ”

                        As for gunpowder , for Gulliver , gunpowder represents the height of achievement primarily because of the power it has provided . The Brobdingnag king , however , is not corrupted by power . He is able to see that the negative effects of gunpowder would for out weigh the positive ones in his society . He might be right that Gulliver is narrow – minded , but his tirade on the general stupidity of the Brobdingnag take the opposite point of view , still , on this issue he is unable to see his own faults or those of his society . It is up to Swift to show us . Through Gulliver's tale , what Gulliver's insistence on gunpowder means .

Gulliver's third voyage is to Laputa :

                          Gulliver's third voyage is Laputa ( and neighboring luggage and Glubdugdribb ) . In a visit to the island of Globetrotter , Gulliver is able to call up the dead and discovers the deception of history . In Laputa , the people are over – thinkers and are ridiculous in other ways . Also , he meets the stuldbrugs , a race endowed with immorality . Gulliver discover that they are miserable .

                         This voyage describe in eleven chapter and says about Indian people on satiric view . In this voyage we can see that satiric view on Indian culture and cheaper 1 to 9 gives a point and summery and says about “The author sets out on his tired voyage , is taken by prates . e.t.c

                        Setting out again Gulliver's ship is attacked by pirates and he is Marooned close to a desolate rocky island near India . He is rescued by the flying island to the arts of music , mathematics and astronomy but unable to use them for practical ends .

                       Laputa 's custom of throwing rocks down at rebellious cities on the ground prefigure air strikes as a method of warfare . Gulliver tours Baronial , the kingdom rules from Laputa , as the guest of a law -ranking courtier and sees the ruin brought about by the blind pursuit of science without practical result , in a satire on bureaucracy and on the Royal society and its experiments . At the grand academy of Ladoga , great resources and manpower are employed on researching completely preposterous schemes such as extracting sunbeams from cucumbers , softening marble for use in pillows , learning how to mix paint by small , and uncovering the political conspiracies by examining the excrement of suspicious persons .

                    Gulliver is then taken to Maldonado , the main port , to a wait a trader who can take him on to Japan . While waiting for a passage , Gulliver takes a short side – trip to the island of Glubbdubdrib , where he visits a magician's dwelling and discusses history with the ghosts of historical figures , the most obvious restatement of the “ancients versus moderns ” theme in the book in Luggnagg he encounters the struldbrugs , people who are immortal . They do not have the gift of eternal youth , but suffer the infirmities of old age and are considers legally dead at the age of eighty . After reaching Japan , Gulliver asks the emperor “ to excuse my performing the ceremony imposed upon my countrymen of trampling upon the crucifix ” Which the emperor does . Gulliver returns home , determined to stay there for the rest of his days .

                    We were saw a movie screening of Gulliver's travels and we can see that voyage ' Laputa ' film maker says about Indian people that means satire in Indian culture and shows that Indian culture and we can see that in this voyage character are every our heroes and Indian his costumes every things . Our people never think about anything quickly and always sleeping in his life . So this is a important thing in this voyage .

Fourth voyage “ A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms : 

                         Houyhnhnms , who are horses endowed with reason . Their rational, clean and simple society is contrasted with the filthiness and brutality of the Yahoo , beast in human shape . Gulliver reluctantly comes to recognize their human vices . Gulliver stays with the Houyhnhnms for several years , becoming completely enamored with them to the point that he never wants to leave . When he is told that the time has come for him to leave the island , Gulliver faints from grief . Upon returning to England , Gulliver feels disgusted about other humans , including his own family .

                         Finally , on his fourth journey , Gulliver sets out as captain of a ship , but after the mutiny of his crew , he arrives in an unknown land . This land is populated by Houyhnhnms , rational thinking horses who rule , and by yahoos , brutish human like creatures who serve the Houyhnhnms . Gulliver sets about learning their language , and when he can speak he narrates his voyages to them and explains the constitution of England and show noble culture . He wants to stay with the Houyhnhnms , but his bared body reveals to the horses that he is very much like a yahoo . Gulliver then concludes his narrative with a claim that the lands he has visited belong by right to England , as her colonies , even through he questions the whole idea of colonialism . And we can see that Yahoo (people) were do beehive like a animal and giant , and horses were spoke and understand to people language .

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