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Thursday 15 March 2018

Language lab software.

Hello readers,

This blog is a part of my classroom activity on Language lab software.

Image result for  Language laboratory with student listen What is a language lab ?

Modern language labs are known by many names, digital language lab, multimedia language lab, language media center and multimedia learning center to name but a few. View the video and read the text below to learn more.

Definition of language laboratory

  A room with equipment (such as computers or tape recorders) where people can listen to and practice speaking foreign languages .

Question Answer

1 ) Discuss in brief the history of Language Laboratory

The history of language laboratories it was Edison's invention of the tin foil phonograph in 1877 that made the first language laboratories possible. It was used for a foreign language class for the first time in 1891. At first, records were mainly used to preserve rare languages, but in the late 1800s and early 1900s, correspondence courses were developed using records. Students listened to records, recorded their own voices speaking the languages, and sent their recordings back to the company for evaluation. The procedures used by these early correspondence schools established methods that were later used in language laboratories. Between 1900 and 1950, equipment became more sophisticated, with the invention and development of tape recorders and television, and schools began establishing language laboratories. Language laboratories were given impetus by funds provided when the National Defense Education Act was passed in 1958. Various language laboratory programs and studies done on their effectiveness are described. Contains 23 references.

2 ) Advantages and challenges in the use of Language laboratory

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As a my point of view many advantages of Language laboratory

1. It is more practical

2. Four skill LSRW are develop

3. We improve our Grammar

4. It helps to improve our grammatical error

5. Language lab allow for diversity in the classroom

6) Lab foster communication in the classroom

3  )  Write an essay on ‘the past, present and future of Language Laboratories’.
   LANGUAGE LABORATORIES: PAST A. Media : In 1950 ,Language laboratories were established to provide language training with advanced technology for language learners.Later in 1920s, more advanced equipmentsuch as tape recorders, movies, and television were developed for foreign language instruction in language laboratories. 
Since 1950s, language laboratories have well been developed. The old style language labs that a teacher arranged the listening practice allowed with a hard wired analogue tape deck based systems with 'sound booths' in fixed locations are outdated .


 While Learning will undoubtedly be with EFL management, it is very difficult to say what the labs in the future EFL classes will be like . In fact the question is whether language laboratories will exist. Observing the trend, media in EFL learning can be supported and delivered with digital technology rather than from physical language labs.
4) Write summary of the research on the effectiveness of language laboratory.
Education is very important for an individual's success in life. Education provides pupils teaching skills that prepare them physically, mentally,morally and socially for the world of work in later life. Education is the best investment for the people because well educated people have more opportunities to get a job which gives them satisfaction. English is the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers. It is a world language, because less than fifteen percent of the world population uses it. English is the major language of news and information in the world. The language laboratory is a very popular technical innovation. The word ‘Language laboratory’s first used in 1930 in a research article by RALPH H.WALTZ of Ohio state university, America. The use of language laboratory gained ground rapidly in the United Kingdom in 1960. Langu age laboratory affords opportunity for the students to hear the language spoken and to practice speaking the language. themselves with correct in intonation, pronunciation, accent and fluency. The Language Laboratory sessions also include word games, quiz zes, extemporary speaking, debates, skits etc.

NEED FOR THE STUDYAccording to Robert Lado, the language laboratory is “The center of Language teaching and the teacher helps its operational activities by providing suitable materials and learning situations We are living in modern world. Language laboratory has the capacity to transmit a complete lesson of rose or poetry. At present language laboratory has been increased and their impact on Educational field, it is a two way teaching learning process which minimizes pupil’s mistakes. It also strengthens the learning of English among students so the investigator is interested to find out the Effectiveness of using Language Laboratory in English among students.

Thank you...

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, awsome information for sure. We are close to our customers, for us training in the use of our software is an essential milestone, we are convinced that a good training will lay a solid foundation so that even newcomers to the various institutions will know right away how to use the tools LAIN S.R.L. With the free remote connections we are able to control our software and, if necessary, provide support to the teaching staff with small tips to make the best use of the software and to the technical staff to perform the various updates.
    digital language lab software
